Automates the time-consuming
Employee Performance Appraisal administration
process, thereby dramatically improving
HR and Line Manager productivity.
Accommodates any kind and combination of
Performance Measures such as Goals, Objectives,
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Competencies,
and Values.
Accommodates the following Performance Cycle
alternatives: 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6- or 12-monthly
performance appraisals, as well as employee
It is possible to set the system to work
without Rating Scales. This is when you
just want qualitative notes being added
by managers and employees (for each performance
measure) on appraisal forms — actual
performance notes, and improvement actions,
training & coaching.
Fully scalable—handles
from only 15 to thousands of employees,
covering all staff and managerial levels,
at multiple worldwide locations.
Can be operated on your own Corporate Intranet,
or over the Internet as a secure, hosted
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS Cloud) application
with worldwide 24x7x365 access (guaranteed
99.99% uptime).
No need for formal training or IT help,
no servers to maintain, and no software
to install (secure Internet option—SaaS).
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& Benefits click
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The Appraisal Smart System does not
limit you to 'regular' Performance Reviews
only, but allows you to create any number
of additional AD-HOC Performance Appraisals
as well, such as for Probation, Promotions,
Succession, and Performance Improvement.
Job/Role Descriptions
Appraisal Smart enables the creating
and updating of Job Descriptions online,
giving managers the ability to view the
Job Descriptions of their direct reports
(and employees to view their own) with the
mere click of a mouse.
Everybody has the latest versions 'on tap'
as System Administrators edit these in the
central database.
Job Descriptions can be fully integrated
and aligned with their corresponding Appraisal
Templates and Performance Agreements/Plans.
The Multirater Module (included in
the core appraisal system) allows you to
request up to FIVE 'other' (Multi-) raters
(e.g. other managers, peers, direct reports,
and/or internal customers) to provide input
to an employee's performance.
This functionality is highly suitable for
matrix organizations, but also if you have
employees who work with (or have worked
with) more than one manager during a performance
NOTE: The Multirater Module is different
from the Smart360 Module/System (see details
further below).
Management Module/System
An innovative add-on module (or stand-alone
system) to create goal hierarchies, cascade,
align and manage goals. Create KPI scorecard
dashboards and update and track goal achievement
in real time. More
Goal Management PDF Brochure
Management Module
A powerful add-on module to manage
your employee Learning and Development,
Personal Development Plans (PDPs) and Career
Development online. more
L&D Module PDF Brochure
Feedback Module/System
Context-Targeted Technology
The Smart360
system offers an unparalleled opportunity
for employees to obtain targeted and high-quality
feedback from peers, direct reports, managers,
and customers—with a view to modifying
their behavior for improved working relationships,
team synergy, job performance, and customer
Use our customizable 360 questionnaire templates
or create your own (the system is fully
flexible, so you can use your own competencies
and rating scales). Do 360s for ALL your
employee levels (not just managers). Experience
the value of targeted narrative feedback:
what is done well, and what can be improved
regarding EACH competency (i.e. not just
ratings and graphs).
can either be a stand-alone offering or
an optional module to Appraisal Smart. more
Smart360 PDF Brochure
Smart is an intuitive web-based system that
makes performance management a breeze. Appraisal
Smart the company is creative and innovative,
and their customer service is fantastic.
If you want an online performance management
and appraisal software system that handles
your HR needs at a fraction of the cost
of competitor products, then you can’t
go wrong with Appraisal Smart."
Dickin, HR Manager
Alliance One Credit Union Ltd